Quelques programmes de simulation des systèmes dynamiques

Fractint : freeware ; fonctionne sous dos, windows, linux, mac, BeOS. Un forum est consacré à ce logiciel.
"Fractint is a freeware fractal generator created for IBMPC's and compatible computers. It is the most versatile and extensive fractal program available for any price."
Parmi ses fonctionnalites : une centaine de types différents de fractales (fractions rationnelles, stereogrammes,IFS, 3D), zoom, color cycling, color editor, visualisation des orbites, il est programmé en C, et il est facile de rajouter des fonctionnalités (autres fractales).

Xaos : freeware ; fonctionne sous dos, linux, Amiga, mac, BeOS. Xaos est restreint au mandelbrot et à ses dérivés.
"XaoS is a fast portable real-time interactive fractal zoomer. It displays the Mandelbrot set (among other escape time fractals) and allows you zoom smoothly into the fractal. Various coloring modes are provided for both the points inside and outside the selected set. In addition, switching between Julia and Mandelbrot fractal types and on-the-fly plane switching is provided."

Fractal-Explorer : freeware ; sous Windows (tm) 95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP uniquement
"Fractal Explorer can render the classical polinomial fractal sets (like the Mandelbrot-set, the Julia-set, the Newton-set and theirs variations), 4D-complex fractals (called quaternions?), 3D ?strange? attractors, and IFS. Also, FE has many features for creation of special effects and improvement of the pictures."

Chaospro : freeware ; fonctionne sous Windows uniquement. Ce logiciel est compatible fractint et ultrafractal. Son point fort est sa capacité à créer des animations.

Ultrafractal : shareware ; fonctionne sous Windows uniquement. Compatible fractint.
"Ultra Fractal is the best tool to create fractal artwork. Whether you're a graphics designer, a professional fractal artist, or a complete beginner, Ultra Fractal 3 makes it easy to turn your creativity into beautiful fractal pictures, textures, and backgrounds."

Une liste de programmes tournant sous differentes plateformes peut etre consultée chez spanky, ou chez FAME, ou encore fractovia.

Remarques concernant Fractint :

L'option cycling ne fonctionne que si l'ecran a ete passe en mode 256 couleurs ; dans ce cas il faut lancer fractint avec l'option -private pour beneficier de toute la palette de couleurs. En 256 couleurs, changer de .map n'entraine pas le recalcul de l'image.
Voici quelques indications glanees sur la mailing-list de fractint, pour faire tourner fractint sous un PC portable :

fractint under windows XP Pro
Graphics environment: NEC MultiSync FE991SB on Intel 82865G Graphics Controller
Windows screen resolution set to 1280x1024
Colour quality - low (8 bit)

Colour quality must be set to low or it won't work. If the 8 bit modes are not displayed you may have to add them. From the control panel double click on the display icon. Select the Settings option. On the display properties window check your colour quality setting. Select 8-bit. If not present select the advanced options button to display more control tabs and select the Adaptor tab. From that screen select 'List all Modes' to pop up a small window showing a complete list of all valid graphics modes for your graphics adaptor. Scroll through until you find an appropriate 256 colour mode. It doesn't have to be 1024x768. After your selection is highlighted click okay to switch to that mode. Make sure that fractint's compatibility mode is set to 256 colours from right clicking on the fractint icon and selecting preferences. From the preference menu select compatibility mode and under display settings select 256 colors. From Screen menu select full screen option.
Then double clicking on the fractint Icon will start the program and I can now use shift-F7 to select a 1024x768x8bit colour mode. All functions work including colour cycling and the colour palette editor and mode switching between text and graphics without loss of on-screen fractal image.
I am using the DOS UnivBE drivers mentioned by Tim, as well, although I'm not sure they are required. They wouldn't pass their self tests until I made the above changes to the windows graphics adaptor modes.
Hope this helps, Noel Giffin

Dernière modification le 12 Novembre 2003.

Yves.Coudene at upmc.fr