
Cyril Labbé

Université Paris Cité
UFR de Mathématiques et LPSM
Bâtiment Sophie Germain
8 place Aurélie Nemours 75013 Paris

Office: 5008
Phone: +33 (0)1 57 27 91 55

Brief CV

Since 2021: Professor of mathematics at the LPSM of university Paris Cité.

2015 - 2021: Maître de conférences in mathematics at the CEREMADE of University Paris-Dauphine.

2020 - 2021: Part-time maître de conférences at the DMA of the Ecole Normale Supérieure.

2013 - 2015: Postdoc of Martin Hairer at the Mathematics Institute of the university of Warwick.

2010 - 2013: PhD student at University Paris 6, under the supervision of Julien Berestycki and Amaury Lambert.

Scientific and administrative duties

Since 2024: associate editor at EJP and ECP.

Since 2023: président du Conseil Scientifique de l'UFR de Mathématiques.

Since 2023: in charge of the research team Structures et modèles aléatoires of the LPSM.

Since 2023: co-organiser of the Séminaire du LPSM.


Junior member of the Institut Universitaire de France 2024-2029.

Team member of the ANR project RANDOP.

Team member of the ANR project SMOOTH.

CV: fr / en.

You may have mistaken me for this Cyril Labbe.