
Cyril Labbé

Université Paris Cité
UFR de Mathématiques et LPSM
Bâtiment Sophie Germain
8 place Aurélie Nemours 75013 Paris

Office: 5008
Phone: +33 (0)1 57 27 91 55

Research interests:

Stochastic analysis (stochastic PDEs, regularity structures), Random operators/matrices (asymptotic behaviour of the spectrum, Anderson localisation), Particle systems (scaling limits, mixing times), Branching processes (CSBP, random trees, coalescents).

I have had the great pleasure to collaborate with:
Jeanne Boursier, Pietro Caputo, Djalil Chafaï, Laure Dumaz, Thomas Duquesne, Alison M. Etheridge, Paul Gassiat, Martin Hairer, Yueh-Sheng Hsu, Hubert Lacoin, Benoît Laslier, Enguérand Petit, Fabio Toninelli and Lorenzo Zambotti

Publications and preprints:

  1. From flows of Lambda-Fleming-Viot processes to lookdown processes via flows of partitions
    Electronic Journal of Probability, 2014 vol.19, no 55 pp 1-49.
    [arXiv] [Journal]

  2. Genealogy of flows of continuous-state branching processes via flows of partitions and the Eve property
    Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincaré, 2014 vol.50, no 3 pp 732-769.
    [arXiv] [Journal]

  3. Quasi-stationary distributions associated with explosive CSBP
    Electronic Communications in Probability, 2013 vol. 18, no 57 pp 1-13.
    [arXiv] [Journal]

  4. On the Eve property for CSBP
    written in collaboration with Thomas Duquesne
    Electronic Journal of Probability, 2014 vol.19, no 6 pp 1-31.
    [arXiv] [Journal]

  5. Scaling limits of weakly asymmetric interfaces
    written in collaboration with Alison M. Etheridge
    Communications in Mathematical Physics, 2015 vol. 336, issue 1, pp 287-336.
    [arXiv] [Journal]

  6. A simple construction of the continuum parabolic Anderson model on R^2
    written in collaboration with Martin Hairer
    Electronic Communications in Probability, 2015 vol. 20, no 43 pp 1-11.
    [arXiv] [Journal]

  7. Multiplicative stochastic heat equations on the whole space
    written in collaboration with Martin Hairer
    Journal of the European Mathematical Society, 2018 vol. 20, issue 4, pp 1005-1054.
    [arXiv] [Journal]

  8. Weakly asymmetric bridges and the KPZ equation
    Communications in Mathematical Physics, 2017 vol. 353, issue 3, pp 1261-1298.
    [arXiv] [Journal]

  9. The reconstruction theorem in Besov spaces
    written in collaboration with Martin Hairer
    Journal of Functional Analysis, 2017 vol. 273, issue 8, pp 2578-2618.
    [arXiv] [Journal]

  10. On the scaling limits of weakly asymmetric bridges
    Probability Surveys, 2018 vol. 15, pp 156-242.
    [arXiv] [Journal]

  11. Cutoff phenomenon for the asymmetric simple exclusion process and the biased card shuffling
    written in collaboration with Hubert Lacoin
    Annals of Probability, 2019 vol. 47, No. 3, 1541-1586.
    [arXiv] [Journal]

  12. Localization of the continuous Anderson Hamiltonian in 1-d
    written in collaboration with Laure Dumaz
    Probability Theory and Related Fields, 2020 vol. 176, No.1-2, 353-419.

  13. Existence of densities for the dynamic Φ43 model
    written in collaboration with Paul Gassiat
    Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincaré, 2020 vol. 56, No.1, 326-373.

  14. Mixing time and cutoff for the weakly asymmetric simple exclusion process
    written in collaboration with Hubert Lacoin
    Annals of Applied Probability, 2020 vol. 30, No.4, 1847-1883.

  15. The continuous Anderson hamiltonian in d ≤ 3
    Journal of Functional Analysis, 2019 vol. 277, issue 9, pp 3187-3235.

  16. Mixing time of the adjacent walk on the simplex
    written in collaboration with Pietro Caputo and Hubert Lacoin
    Annals of Probability, 2020 vol. 48, No. 5, pp 2449-2493.

  17. The stochastic Airy operator at large temperature
    written in collaboration with Laure Dumaz
    Annals of Applied Probability, 2022 vol. 32, issue 6, pp 4481-4534.

  18. Spectral gap and cutoff for the Gibbs sampler of ∇φ interfaces with convex potential
    written in collaboration with Pietro Caputo and Hubert Lacoin
    Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincaré, 2022 vol. 58, No. 2, pp 794-826

  19. The delocalized phase of the Anderson Hamiltonian in 1-d
    written in collaboration with Laure Dumaz
    Annals of Probability, 2023 vol. 51, No. 3, pp 805-839.

  20. Localization crossover for the continuous Anderson Hamiltonian in 1-d
    written in collaboration with Laure Dumaz
    Inventiones Mathematicae, 2024 vol. 235, pp 345-440.

  21. Universal cutoff for Dyson Ornstein Uhlenbeck process
    written in collaboration with Jeanne Boursier and Djalil Chafaï
    Probability Theory and Related Fields, 2023 vol. 185, pp 449-512.

  22. Asymptotic of the smallest eigenvalues of the continuous Anderson Hamiltonian in d ≤ 3
    written in collaboration with Yueh-Sheng Hsu
    Stochastics and Partial Differential Equations: Analysis and Computations, 2022

  23. Hydrodynamic limit and cutoff for the biased adjacent walk on the simplex
    written in collaboration with Enguérand Petit
    accepted at Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincaré

  24. Anderson localization for the 1-d Schrödinger operator with white noise potential
    written in collaboration with Laure Dumaz
    Journal of Functional Analysis, 2024 vol. 286, issue 1.

  25. Construction and spectrum of the Anderson Hamiltonian with white noise potential on R2 and R3
    written in collaboration with Yueh-Sheng Hsu

  26. Cutoff phenomenon in nonlinear recombinations
    written in collaboration with Pietro Caputo and Hubert Lacoin

  27. Convergence of dynamical stationary fluctuations
    written in collaboration with Benoît Laslier, Fabio Toninelli and Lorenzo Zambotti


  1. PhD thesis
    defended in October 2013 at University Paris 6.
    under the supervisions of Julien Berestycki and Amaury Lambert.
    pdf file

  2. Habilitation thesis
    defended in November 2019 at University Paris Dauphine.
    pdf file

PhD students:

  • Yueh-Sheng Hsu
    since 2020
  • Enguérand Petit (co-supervised with Cristina Toninelli)
    since 2019
  • Lucas Broux (co-supervised with Lorenzo Zambotti)


  • Poitiers - Journées MAS (Aug. 24)
  • Sevilla - ECM mini-symposium on stochastic analysis (Jul. 24)
  • Beijing - 3rd China-France congress in probability (June 24)
  • Brest - Meeting ANR Smooth (May 24)
  • Paris IHP - Bourbaki Seminar (Mar. 24)
  • Lausanne - Probability Seminar (Feb. 24)
  • Orsay - Analysis Seminar (Nov. 23)
  • Rennes - Probability Seminar (Nov. 23)
  • Paris IHP - Séminaire Problemes spectraux en physique mathématique (June 23)
  • Jerusalem IIAS - Midrasha mathematicae meeting on Random Schroedinger operators and Random matrices (May 23)
  • One World Probability Seminar - jointly with Laure Dumaz (Jun. 22)
  • Marseille - Séminaire hypatie jointly with Laure Dumaz (May 22)
  • Les Diablerets - conference on localization (Mar. 22)
  • Nancy - SPDE workshop (Dec. 21)
  • Bristol, Queen Mary, Warwick - Proba. seminar (Dec. 21)
  • Bath - Proba. seminar (Nov. 21)
  • Univ. Cergy-Pontoise - Colloquiuum (Nov. 21)
  • Ecole Polytechnique - Séminaire du CMAP (Nov. 21)
  • Sorbonne univ. - LPSM (Oct. 21)
  • Grenoble - Probability seminar (Apr. 20)
  • Florence - Workshop on Random Schroedinger operators and related topics (Feb. 20)
  • Bath - Probability seminar (Feb. 20)
  • Orleans - Mathematics seminar (Jan. 20)
  • Creteil - Probability and statistics seminar (Dec. 19)
  • Bonn - Workshop on Singular SPDEs and Related Topics (Oct. 19)
  • Luminy - Conference PDE-Probability (Oct. 19)
  • CentraleSupelec - Seminar (Sept. 19)
  • Imperial College - Workshop on Probability, PDEs and Physics (Jul. 19)
  • KTH Stockholm - Gustafsson symposium (Jun. 19)
  • Lille - Probability seminar (May 19)
  • Paris 6 - Probability seminar (May 19)
  • Marseille - Probability seminar (Mar 19)
  • Oxford - Stochastic analysis seminar (Feb. 19)
  • Warwick - Probability Seminar (Jan. 19)
  • Imperial College - Probability Seminar (Jan. 19)
  • IST Austria - Probability/Analysis/Math Phys Seminar (Nov. 18)
  • Mannheim - Probability Seminar (Oct. 18)
  • Dijon - Journées MAS (Aug. 18)
  • Rio IMPA - Probability seminar (June 18)
  • Paris ENSTA - Seminaire proba., stat. et controle (May 18)
  • TU Berlin - Proba. Seminar (Apr. 18)
  • Paris IHP - Groupe de Travail MEGA (Apr. 18)
  • Orsay - Probability seminar (Jan. 18)
  • College de France - Seminaire de Mathematiques Appliquees (Dec. 17) - [Video]
  • Lyon - Probability seminar (Nov. 17)
  • Paris 6 - Probas du vendredi (Nov. 17)
  • Cermics (Ponts) - Seminar (Nov. 17)
  • Salzburg - Meeting of the German and Austrian Math. Soc. (Sept. 17)
  • Paris 13 - Probability seminar (Jun. 17)
  • Sheffield - Interacting Systems and SPDE (Jun. 17)
  • Marseille - Probability seminar (May 17)
  • Columbia/Courant - Probability seminar (Apr. 17)
  • Nanterre - Probability seminar (Apr. 17)
  • Warwick - SPDE conference (Mar. 17)
  • Angers - Probability seminar (Mar. 17)
  • Paris 7 - Working group seminar (Jan. 17)
  • Zurich - Probability seminar (Dec. 16)
  • Warwick - Stat. Mech. seminar (Nov. 16)
  • Orlando - 11th AIMS Conference on Dynamical Systems, Differential Equations and Applications (July 16)
  • Paris IHP - Paris-Bath meeting (Jun. 16)
  • Mannheim - Workshop on stochastic differential equations (Jun. 16)
  • Luminy - Workshop on random trees and maps (Jun. 16)
  • Paris 7 - Probability seminar (May 16)
  • Oberwolfach - Workshop on rough paths, reg. struct. and SPDEs (May 16)
  • Warwick - Workshop on Probabilistic models (Mar. 16)
  • Strasbourg - Frontiers in Analysis and Probability (Mar. 16)
  • Nice - Stochastic analysis conference (Nov. 15)
  • Cambridge - Probability seminar (Nov. 15)
  • Dauphine - Analysis and Probability seminar (Nov. 15)
  • York - East Midlands Stochastic Analysis Seminar (July 15)
  • Warwick - Renormalisation group theory and regularity structures summer school (May 15)
  • Lyon - Probability seminar (Apr. 15)
  • Paris - Workshop on SPDEs (Apr. 15)
  • Cambridge - British Mathematical Colloquium (Mar. 15)
  • Berlin - Rough paths meeting (Jan. 15)
  • Bath - Probability seminar (Nov. 14)
  • Rennes - Probability seminar Nov. 14)
  • Oxford - Stochastic Analysis seminar (Nov. 14)
  • Warwick - Probability seminar (Oct. 14)
  • Pisa - Singular SPDEs summer school (Sept. 14)
  • Oxford - Rough paths meeting (July 14)
  • Polytechnique - Probability seminar (Jan. 14)
  • Warwick - Statistical mechanics seminar (Jan. 14)
  • Oxford - Probability seminar (Nov. 13)
  • Montreal - Random trees workshop (Aug. 13)
  • Nancy - Probability seminar (Apr. 13)