I am a PhD student in medical statistics, since january 2021, at LPSM (Sorbonne Université), under the supervision of Grégory Nuel (LPSM, SU) and Patrick Benusiglio (APHP).
My work is currently focused on survival analysis, bayesian network and genetics predisposition to various diseases (including cancers). I previously worked as a bioinformatician dealing with NGS data (ChIP-seq, RNA-seq) and my academic journey has been tainted with interdisciplinarity all along (applications to particule accelerator physics, population dynamics, pharmacokinetics, population genetics). My interest is to use quantitative methods in biological/medical contexts as I am deeply convinced that mathematics and computer science are amazing tools to tackle problems in these fields .
I am currently looking for a Postdoc position at the interface between mathematics and biology or medecine (starting around April 2024). If my profile seems interesting to you, please feel free to contact me.
Here are links to my ResearchGate profile and to my LinkedIn profile.