You are coming for the first semester of the academic year and prepare a L3-level diploma.

Basically, you must choose courses from the list of mathematics courses at L3 level. Courses at M1 level may be allowed.
Note also that no M2 level courses are allowed.

In the following lists, you can click on the code of the course to have more details about the contents.

List of courses at L3 level in the first semester (fall/winter term)

Name of the course CodeNumber of ECTS
Topologie et calcul différentiel IILU3MA2606
Théorie de la mesure et probabilités LU3MA2636
Analyse numérique LU3MA2326
Algèbre LU3MA2706

List of courses at M1 level in the first semester (fall/winter term).
IMPORTANT : Consult the corresponding description of prerequisites to be sure that you possess the required knowledge to follow this course.

Name of the course CodeNumber of ECTSPrerequisites
Géométrie affine et projectiveMU4MA00112LU3MA270
Algèbre commutative MU4MA0036LU3MA270
Algèbre linéaire effectiveMU4MA0046LU3MA270
Bases d'analyse fonctionnelle MU4MA00512LU3MA260
Fondements des méthodes numériquesMU4MA00612LU3MA260
Foundations of numerical methodsMU4MA1066LU3MA260
Probabilités approfondiesMU4MA01112LU3MA263
Groupes et représentationsMU4MA0146LU3MA270
Géométrie différentielle MU4MA02212LU3MA260
Systèmes dynamiques discrets et continus en biologie et médecine MU4MA0626LU3MA260