You come for the second semester of the academic year and prepare a L3-level diploma.

Basically, you must choose courses only from the list of mathematics courses at L3 level.
Only in very exceptional cases you can be allowed to take courses at M1 level: please contact the international coordinator if you have a specific motivation to do so.

Note also that courses at M2 level are not permitted.

List of courses at L3 level in the second semester (spring/summer term)

Name of the course CodeNumber of ECTS
Introduction à l'analyse fonctionnelle LU3MA2106
Calcul différentiel et optimisationLU3MA2616
Probabilités 2 LU3MA2906
Histoire des mathématiques LU3MA2096
Formules de Stokes et EDP LU3MA2506
Projet LU3MA2016
Statistique LU3MA2476
Structures algébriques. Applications. LU3MA2626
Analyse complexe LU3MA2666