Mathieu Merle Research and Publications
My research interests are in Probability Theory. These include interacting particle systems, super-Brownian motion, invasion percolation, random trees. More precisions can be found in this research statement.

  • with Omer Angel and Jesse Goodman Scaling limit of invasion percolation on a regular tree,

  • with Iddo Ben-Ari and Alexander Roitershtein A random walk on Z with drift driven by its occupation time at the origin.
    ORW.pdf ; arXiv:math.PR/

  • The following three articles consituted my PhD thesis , which I did at the departement of mathematics of ENS, under the supervision of Jean-François Le Gall.
  • Hitting probability of a distant point for the voter model started with a single one,
    voter.pdf, The Annals of Probability, Vol. 36-3 (2008), pp. 807-861, journal final version.

  • with Jean-François Le Gall, On the occupation measure of super-Brownian motion,
    Electronic Comm. Probab. 11 (2006), pp252-265.

  • Local behavior of local times of super-Brownian motion,
    Local_Times.pdf, Ann. Inst. Henri Poincaré, 42 (2006), pp. 491-520.
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